For tennis fans we look forward with much anticipation to the grand slams. We plan our schedules around them, we deprive ourselves of sleep, and our lives become crazy for two weeks at a time - at least that's what happens to me. My TV is on at least 12 hours a day, and I am frantically trying to keep up with all the tweets on the computer. Oh, and you mean I still have to work, cook and grocery shop too, not to mention try to get enough sleep to function? But these are the things we do for tennis because we love it.
For me the Australian Open is my favorite slam - the Happy Slam as Roger calls it. For those not living in the southern hemisphere it comes during dreary January, always a letdown after the busy holidays and still a long ways off till spring and summer. What could be better than watching amazing tennis in brilliant sunshine and hot temperatures?
Ok, let's get to what's really important - Roger Federer! He has now successfully completed two rounds with straight set wins in each (giving him a record 70 wins at the AO). In his first match against Duckworth he played reasonably well but still with a few bugs to work out, I thought. But in his 2nd round match against Blaz Kavcic, wow did he give his fans a treat!. These are the matches that those who love him, those who sacrifice sleep and watch him in the middle of the night, totally live for. The first two sets were vintage Federer at his absolute best. The winners he was hitting out of nowhere were breathtaking. Several times Kavic watched the ball go by with disbelief. How can a mere mortal come up with those shots?
Those who went through the difficult 2013 season with him know that he would sometimes play a great match giving his fans hope and then turn around and play a puzzling and disappointing match in the next round. Given this fact I was very aware while watching the match that we have to completely appreciate these matches where he is playing in god mode. At the same time, though, it felt like this was a very positive and encouraging sign of what's to come this year, as he is now healthy, he has had a lot of time to practice, and he is adjusting to his new bigger racquet.
At this point it's one match at a time, but I plan to appreciate every moment that I get to watch Roger play his beautiful, graceful and jaw-dropping tennis.